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Book Description

"The greatest assassins in all of China’s history – Cao Mo, who kidnapped a king to get his country back; Yu Rang, who killed to demonstrate his loyalty; Jing Ke, martyred in his attempt to kill the hated First Emperor, and others – all live on in the annals of historian Sima Qian’s Legends of the Assassins. Here they come alive once more, in a series of beautifully illustrated manga first published in the China Times Weekly in 1986. Feats of strength, tests of endurance and of strategy explode on the page as the stories of some of the world’s most famous killers and patriots unfold before your eyes. Artist Chen Uen merges an ink-and-brush style characteristic of Chinese traditional art with the hues of Western painting to capture the power of strength, brutality, and passion that surges through these tales. The veteran illustrator takes care to ensure that each face is original and expressive, granting the story even greater emotional force."
