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Book Description

You are phobic and you really want to change? This book is the best tool for you. Written by a former phobic , it will be a great companion to overcome and win the battle against your fears. Are you dizzy or nauseated when you are thinking of flying? Are you literally paralyzed by spiders or blood tests? Do you panic in tunnels or supermarkets? ... STOP! It's time to face these phobias that ruin your life. So many people are suffering and are alone to deal with these excessive fears. This book, written by an old phobic for phobics, combines practical advice and proven techniques (behavioral and cognitive therapies, EMDR, acupuncture- ...) to no longer suffer these fears, live with them as best as possible, and even defeat them . Tonic, concrete, documented, optimistic and deeply human, this guide is an essential ally to heal or help a loved one in difficulty. The war is declared: phobias, IT'S FINISHED!
